Look at the state of the world and it's obvious we still, as the song goes, "Need a little Christmas." That must certainly be true of the retailers, because signs of the holidays start as early as October. However, despite how early the secular world starts the season, come December 26, nada. Zilch. Store decorations--all down. The All-Christmas radio stations--not a sound of the season. People bemoaning the fact that they didn't even get to enjoy the holyday--everywhere. Yes, the 12 Days of Christmas have morphed into 12 seconds.
There is one place where the season remains alive. Our Churches. The liturgical season of Christmas encompasses the 12 days (right through the Epiphany) and culminates with the feast of the baptism of Our Lord, this year falling on Sunday, January 8th.
Pop into a Church, for services or just for a quiet midday visit, and you will see and hear all the signs of the season--lit trees, manger sets, poinsettias, carols and good will among people. If like me you want or need to hang on to that Christmas spirit just a little longer, pay a random visit to your Church. Come to think of it--isn't that a wonderful New Year's resolution?