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As you all know, every year I send personalized Christmas greetings wherein I also let my FB friends know when my annual holiday short story will be posted. For each of the last three years, FB threw me in jail briefly for the personalized greetings, telling me "I had violated community standards." When asked how wishing friends peace on earth and goodwill violated standards...FB refused to answer.

More recently, FB removed one of my posts, a tribute to my brother who died from cancer and inspired a fundraiser my daughter is spearheading. This time FB was more threatening in its message, again said I was violating "community standards", and if I continued, I would be banned permanently from the platform. Again FB refused to answer my appeal. Why raising money for the Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center violates any standard of decency is beyond me.  


I do not intend to stop either activity, so if you suddenly can't find me on Facebook:

1. Since FB's removal of the post has compromised our chances to raise funds for this worthy cause, please help our efforts by going to Christine's Fundraising page -

2. Also please know I'll keep posting my daily historical witticisms and this year's Christmas story (starting December 1) and if I'm off FB, pass the word around and go to this site (


I would say thank you, but don't want to run afoul of community standards.

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