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Kenneth T. Zemsky Knight to King 4 Author

Raised and still living in New York’s Hudson Valley, Ken Zemsky has absorbed the wholesome lifestyle of that historic region.  His interest in writing was first sparked at Georgetown University, where he became the editor of the school newspaper.  After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Georgetown and then from Georgetown Law, Ken was admitted to the bar and became a CPA in multiple jurisdictions.  These twin accreditations served him well as a tax professional, where he published numerous technical articles, his second dalliance with writing.


While working in the tax field, Ken had cause to travel.  In the course of this he began writing children’s tales, with his and his wife’s four children serving as the story characters.  These became bedtime reading for the kids when Ken was back home.  As the children grew, Ken’s writing morphed into adult topics.


Ken now devotes full time to writing and is currently finishing his third novel.  He does grumble that life gets in the way at times inasmuch as he still practices tax law part time, teaches at Rutgers University, and is a voracious reader.  His literary tastes are eclectic - favorite fiction authors range from Dickens to Jack Higgins, and any non-fiction dealing with American history.


Ken does want to acknowledge the artistic mastery of Grace Anthony, who designed this website as well as all the artwork for The Nation's Hope and Knight to King 4.  The lone exception is the painting reproduced on the home page of this site.  That is entitled “Crackers in Bed”, by Norman Rockwell, first authorized use of which was in 1921.  “Crackers” and the entire website illustrate Ken’s belief that books should be comfort food for the soul in an otherwise troubled world.  His hope is that after closing the cover on a Ken Zemsky book the reader will say, “Ah!  That was nice.”
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